MWM Podcast 011: Relocation, Translocation, and Catching Unexpected Animals

MWM Podcast 011: Relocation, Translocation, and Catching Unexpected Animals

In this episode we cover a few key ideas between relocation and translocation. Simply put:

Relocation– When an animal is moved from one location to another within it’s home range.

Translocation– When an animal is moved from one location to another outside of it’s home range.

Relocation can be as simple as relocating an animal from an attic to outside the home. Translocation is often what folks think about then they move animals across town or over large land barriers. Depending on the species though, the animal may still be in it’s own home range.

This topic stemmed from a recent overload of folks calling in with problems with animals they caught that they did not intend to. Typically someone will set a trap for a mouse/rat/squirrel and winds up with a large species like raccoon/skunk/groundhog. A little advance planning is always a good idea when setting traps for animals. Especially if you don’t have a plan for what to do when you catch a larger animal.

We’ll do a YouTube video soon on choosing the right traps for the species you are after to help folks avoid unexpected surprises in the morning. In the very least, putting into context whether to move an animal or just let it go may help a lot of folks in need safely release wildlife they have caught accidentally.

Relocation, Translocation, and Catching Unexpected Animals

Relocation, Translocation, and Catching Unexpected Animals



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